Guides & How-To’s

How to configure Junos Olive on GNS3 using Qemu

This is a quick guide to get you started learning Junos OS using GNS3. To get the best performance out of GNS3 I recommend connecting to a remote GNS3 server. You’ll be able to add many more devices and it will be a much more smoother experience simulating devices. I have found when running devices locally they can be extremely laggy when having a number of devices running simultaneously. Step1. Upload your Junos image to…

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How to transfer files to and from your Linux server using SFTP on Windows

1.Download and install Filezilla to your local machine 2. Connect to your server using SFTP (please note you will need a Public Address, Port Forwarding or Dialup VPN for access) SFTP uses port 22 for connection 3. Drag and drop your files from your local PC to destination file location on your Cloud Server. Please note that you will need to make sure that you give file permission for the successful transfer...

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How to connect using OpenVPN (Windows 10) to OpnSense firewall.

This is a detailed guide on how to connect to your OpnSense Firewall using OpenVPN for remote access. Piggybank Cloud lets you launch an OpnSense firewall with a click of a button. You can connect your virtual machines to your firewall all with ease from your Piggybank customer portal. There is a known issue with the latest OpenVPN version and Windows 10 with the TAP adapter not working. This guide incorporates the fix for this...

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How to create a Site to Site IPSec VPN from an OpnSense to a Fortigate behind a NAT Router.

Hi all, This is a step by step guide to create a site to site VPN from a Fortigate which sits behind a NAT router to an OpnSense Firewall. 1. Create a firewall rule to allow IPSEC traffic to the WAN interface or interface to where the VPN will terminate. This is configured under the Firewall / Rules 2. Add new phase 1 entry Configured under VPN /IPSEC / Tunnel Settings. Please note the phase...

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How to configure 2FA authentication using Google authenticator on Debian 9 CLI.

This is a quick reference guide on how to configure 2FA authentication using Google authenticator on Debian 9. WARNING: Please be extremely cautious when configuring this as you could potentially lock yourself out of your system if mis-configured. In this guide I will create a separate user for 2FA authentication and leave root as password authentication only. 1. Create a new user 2. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config Remove root from 2FA Authentication is as follows: Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave any feedback.

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How to configure 2FA authentication using Google authenticator on Centos 7 CLI.

This is a quick reference guide on how to configure 2FA authentication using Google authenticator on Centos 7. WARNING: Please be extremely cautious when configuring this as you could potentially lock yourself out of your system if mis-configured. In this guide I will create a separate user for 2FA authentication and leave root as password authentication only. 1. Create a new user 2. Download OpenVPN Client configuration and export the file to your OpenVPN client. You will see once the script has been run you will see that there is a link for the OpenVPN Client configuration. Paste this into your browser...

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How to configure ssh key authentication for root Linux (Ubuntu | Debian | Centos) CLI.

This is a quick reference guide on how to configure ssh key authentication for root on Linux Based Operating Systems. 1. Generate a public and private key pair using puTTYgen Please see examples of the public and private key – you can use these to test. Public Key Private key TestDownload 2. Paste the public key string into /.ssh/authorized keys ...

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How to add a static route on Ubuntu 18.04 CLI

This is a quick reference guide on how to add a persistent static route on on Ubuntu 18.04 1. Edit yaml file in /etc/netplan At this point you should already have a netplan yaml file created either for dhcp or a statically assigned interface IP address. 2. Define routes in yaml file. IMPORTANT: It is extremely important to place all the configuration in...

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How to check disk space on linux (Ubuntu | Debian | Centos) CLI (Detailed)

This is a detailed guide on how to check free disk space on Linux Based Operating Systems. This command will show you the actual size of the disk / HDD or Virtual Disk / Bunch of disks you have on your Linux machine, the other commands are mainly for checking the usage of the files on the filesystem 2. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2. iPerf3 Server Once installed you will need one end point to listen for iPerf traffic. By default this will listen on port 5201. 2.1 iperf3 -s This command will...

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How to connect to IPv6 from IPv4 using a Fortigate and a tunnel broker.

This is a detailed guide on how to connect to IPv6 from IPv4 using a Fortigate and a tunnel broker. 1. Sign up to a tunnel broker In this example I have used Simply click on create regular tunnel and follow the instructions. You will be asked for your IPv4 public IP address. If you click Example Configurations this will give you the tunnel configuration for your Fortigate. IMPORTANT: If the firewall...

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How to send logs to a syslog server on Observium using a Ubuntu Server as the syslog client

This is a detailed guide on how to send logs to a syslog server on Observium using a Ubuntu as the syslog client. 1.Configure rsyslogd for Observium 1.1 Check version of rsyslogd Make sure you have rsyslog installed and the that it is current. This guide is for Rsyslog version 8 and later. 1.2 Enable remote logging Remove the comment (remove #) from the following lines: module(load=”imtcp”) and input(type=”imtcp” port=”514″)...

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How to monitor an Ubuntu Server using SNMPv2 and Observium.

This is a detailed guide on how monitor an Ubuntu Server using SNMPv2 and Observium. 1. Install SNMP 1.1 Install snmp and snmp-mibs-downloader 1.2 Install snmpd 2. Edit /etc/snmp/snmp.conf Comment out the mibs: line as per below 1.2 Enable remote logging Remove the comment (remove #) from the following lines: module(load=”imtcp”) and input(type=”imtcp” port=”514″)...

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How to create a FTP Linux server where users have access only to specific directories using VSFTPD Linux CLI

This is a detailed reference guide on how to create a FTP Linux server where users have access only to specific directories using VSFTPD. 1. Install vsftpd, libpam-pwdfile and apache2 Omit the apache2 part if this is already installed. 2. Edit vsftpd.conf 2.1 Make a backup of the file vsftpd.conf 2.2 Edit the file /etc/vsftpd.conf 2.3...

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How to secure your FTP server using FTPS and VSFTPD on Linux Cli

This is a detailed guide on how to secure your FTP server using FTPS and VSFTPD on Linux Based Operating Systems. 1.Generate your certificate 1.1 Generate private RSA key You can change the encryption by replacing -aes256 to say -aes128 for example. The private key is used to generate the certificate. 1.2 Generate Certificate Signing Request or CSR 2. tcpdump -i This will capture all traffic on the specified interface. 2. netstat -rn The ls -a command includes all files including hidden files. ...

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How to remove a directory on Linux (Ubuntu | Debian | Centos) CLI

This is a quick reference guide on how to remove a directory on Linux Based Operating Systems. To remove an empty directory. To remove multiple empty sub-directories using -p option. To remove a directory containing files or directories using -R option. To create multiple sub-directories using -p option. Thank you for reading and please feel free to leave any feedback.

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